Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Discussion // Book Buying

As someone who is not only cheap, but also loves to have many books I have a really hard time with book buying. Not saying that I don't enjoy buying books because I love buying books. I love being able to hold each book in my hands and claim to be its rightful owner, as weird as that may sound. However, sometimes I actually feel bad about the books that I buy.

I don't feel bad because I have spent money on this book that will sit on my shelf for a little while, but because I'm terrified of not having enough money which if looked at a certain way could possibly say a lot about me as a person. I like to save my money and get the most for what I spend, so that's why Book Outlet is probably one of the best and worst things for me as a book lover and book collector.

I know that once these books arrive and I can hold each of them in my hands I will no longer feel guilty for spending my money on them. I will look at them with awe, and be pleased with the fact that I paid $4.99 for Heir of Fire or $3.99 for Dreams of Gods and Monsters in hardcover, but until then the amount that was taken from my bank account feels like it is hanging over my shoulders. It feels like even though I know that this money was actually stretched to get the most of what I spent, the guilt still lingers in my heart.

I don't know if if I'm the only one that feels this way or if I'm alone here, but I would love to know your thoughts in the comments.


  1. You're way better than me. Even when the book is on my shelf, ESPECIALLY when the book is on my shelf, I feel hella guilty for buying it.

    1. I never really felt bad about it before, but recently it's been bothering me more than usual. I guess it's because I'm in college now and running out of room on my shelves... I also think I'm realizing that I'm going to move all these books to my new home one day... *sigh*

  2. I hate the process of deciding which expensive books to buy because then I feel like the other get neglected for a while

    1. I negect most of my TBR pile weather I think I do or not. I always am reaching towards one genre or another, so my shelves that house contemporary get neglected when I'm in the mood for fantasy. For me, it doesn't matter what I've recently bought it's what I'm in the mood for at the time.
